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Add subscription to subscriber



Add a specific subscription to a subscriber.


Path Parameters

    subscriber_id stringrequired

    The identifier of the subscriber

    event_type stringrequired

    The action event type.

Query Parameters

    timeout number

    Default value: 60

    This is the duration in seconds this subscriber has time to execute the action. After this time the sender assumes a failure and rejects the result of this actor.

    wait_for_completion boolean

    Default value: true

    If an action is sent to this subscriber, the event sender should wait until this subscriber has processed the message and send a done message. This is the expected behaviour of every actor and defaults to true.


The subscriber


    id string

    The identifier of this subscriber



    The dictionary of subscriptions, where the key is the message type

    property name*


    The definition of an action subscription

    message_type string

    The name of the action to listen to

    wait_for_completion boolean

    Default value: true

    If an action is sent to this subscriber, the event sender should wait until this subscriber has processed the message and send a done message. This is the expected behaviour of every actor and defaults to true.

    timeout number

    Default value: 60

    This is the duration in seconds this subscriber has time to execute the action. After this time the sender assumes a failure and rejects the result of this actor.
